
About CP-WST

CP-WST stands for “Certified Professional – Web Services Testing” certification prepared and honored by Agile Testing Alliance.

Certified Professional Web Services Testing program is designed to train and uplift the knowledge of a test professional on Web Services, Web Services Testing techniques and test automation tools that will be utilized for web services testing and validation.

Changes in version 1.05

This is version 1.05 of the CP-WST program. The changes in the syllabus for the CP-WST program in this version are

  1. 1. More focus is now given to Rest-Assured including Hamcrest library
  2. 2. Rest-Assured and Cucumber section has been now added
  3. 3. Continuous testing using Jenkins has been now introduced
  4. 4. Fidler section is now not part of the syllabus (removed)
  5. 5. Unirest section is now not part of the syllabus (removed)

The changes in the CP-WST program are done on the current market trends. The two most popular tools for API testing are Postman and Rest Assured. More focus on Postman was given in the version 1.04 and this version has increased coverage on Rest Assured. Fidler and Unirest were not adding any additional value hence the coverage has been dropped…See More

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